Rest. Practise. Perform.

Rest. Practise. Perform.
What elite sport can teach leaders about sustainable wellbeing and performance.
by Karen Meager and John McLachlan
Paperback: 9781915483270
Ebook: 9781915483287
Date: 21st February 2024
Extent: 184 pages
Size: 216 x 138mm, portrait
Text: Black and white
Subject: Leadership
Rights available: Worldwide
Do you grapple with the relentless demands of your leadership role? Are you struggling to balance your team’s wellbeing with delivering results?
Contemporary workplace cultures often shackle employees to a culture of ceaseless high performance and productivity. This results in lacklustre productivity, diminished creativity and a shattered workforce.
In contrast elite sports have honed time-tested strategies for sustaining peak performance, consistency, and getting results without exhaustion. This practical and illuminating guide offers a fresh perspective on leadership, unleashing an empowering, harmonious approach that’s inspired by elite sports’ proven disciplines.
Karen Meager and John McLachlan draw from extensive research and their deep understanding of leadership behaviours to provide you with a playbook for adapting elite sports’ winning techniques to your own team or organisation. Discover how to apply the incredible rhythm of the rest, practice, perform cycle and explore how it can revolutionise your team’s productivity, performance and wellbeing.
About the authors
Karen Meager's work reflects the integration of her clinical qualifications in psychology with practical industry expertise spanning over 20 years. She has an MBA, a MSc in psychology and is a clinically registered psychotherapist and supervisor. She has a particular interest and expertise in leadership and burnout. The first edition of Real Leaders was a finalist in the International Book Awards and she also co-authored Time Mastery which was an Amazon bestseller.
John McLachlan spent over 20 years in a variety of senior finance leadership roles including a Group FD role in industry and a Partner for a professional CA Practice. As an organisational psychologist, he uses a combination of his experience and elements of his MSc in Psychology to support senior leadership teams gain clarity and focus in a way that is sustainable and relatively easy to implement. He has a particular interest in sustainable performance and is currently working towards a PhD in Organisational Health and Wellbeing at Lancaster University where he is researching what organisations can learn about sustainable performance from elite sports.
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